Highly durable & Chemical resistant flooring for service mays and customer drive lanes.
Car Dealerships and Service Centers
Car dealership flooring systems span a wide variety of applications and need to satisfy a number of aesthetic and performance requirements. The floors throughout an automotive facility can range from service area drive up lanes and mechanical bays to retail areas such as the parts department and showroom floors. Resinwerks offers a complete line of beautiful long-lasting floor coating systems for such areas.

High-Traffic, Chemical Resistant Floor Coatings
Auto shop bays are highly susceptible to damage from impact and chemical attack. In addition to constant vehicular traffic, floors must be engineered to withstand shocks from tools and equipment dropping on them. Alternatively, car and truck service lanes must provide customers with adequate traction, even in wet situations.
Drive up service lanes often provide customers with their initial impression of a dealership and proper maintenance of these areas is critical. Resinwerks™ systems can be modified with varying levels of traction aggregates to provide the right balance of traction and clean-ability.
Impact & Chemical Resistant Flooring
Resinwerks impact resistant coatings are built with epoxy, polyaspartic and polyurethane concrete primers that provide for high levels of adhesion and will not pop-off when struck. These moisture tolerant primers provide the foundation required for an impact resistant coating matrix.
Following the primer, an aggregate is incorporated within the second coat, whether by trowel or broadcast to help disperse the kinetic energy related to heavy impacts, and high point-load forces.
From there the floor is grouted and top-coated with a high performance and chemical resistant topcoat. Performance topcoats from Resinwerks are fully resistant to oil, grease, brake fluid and many other chemicals common to auto service facilities.

Car Dealership Floor Coating System Guide
Resinwerks offers a variety of floor coating systems for auto service bays, showrooms, and customer service drive-up lanes. Download our brochure to learn more about how we can help with your next project.


Feldman Chevrolet Service Bay Drive Up Lanes
As one of the largest car dealership networks in the upper Midwest, Feldman Chevrolet strives to maintain its reputation by providing its clients with outstanding service. In 2020, with most of the country shut down, Feldman decided to significantly upgrade their dealerships throughout the area. A key component to these projects was to install a brand new flooring surface within the service drive up lanes.
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